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A Charity Run Event


The Ox 2024

A Fundraising Initiative by Lennox Run Club


100 km in 24 Hours 

4.2 km Every Hour, On The Hour

11 - 12 October 2025

Lennox Head NSW

Find Out More...


Join Us In The Race

To Beat DIPG

 The Ox is a test of endurance, strength and community. Over 24 hours, we will run 100km - not for ourselves, but for the children facing the unimaginable. DIPG is relentless. But so are we.

This isn’t meant to be easy. You’ll feel discomfort, exhaustion and pain. But you’ll also feel the power of moving together. You’ll see what happens when people lift each other up in the toughest moments. You’ll witness what a determined community can do.

Not everyone can run. But everyone can show up. Support, cheer, volunteer and be part of something bigger. Because oxen don’t work alone—oxen move as one.

Registrations coming soon.


Solo or Teams

Entering as an individual or as teams of 2 or 4, you (or someone from your team), must run 4.2km every hour on the hour for 24 hours.


Starting at 9am on Saturday 11 October, participants will run 'The Ox' track every hour right through to the final lap at 8am Sunday 12 October.

You can run entirely at your own pace - you have an hour to complete the 4.2km before you or a team member has to run again.

Registrations coming soon. Follow us on Instagram.



$120  buys 1-hour of research time, providing families with the hope of a DIPG/DMG cure

• 1 in 5 childhood deaths to disease is due to DIPG/DMG

• DIPG is most frequently diagnosed in children aged 6-7 years old

• The medium life expectancy post-diagnosis is 9-11 months

• Currently, there are no treatments, no cure



The beloved daughter of our friends and local Lennox family, Frankie sadly passed away on October 16, 2022 at just 9 years old.


Frankie’s time in this life was cut short due to an incurable brain tumour, known as Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG). Frankie lived her final weeks looking over the ocean and taking walks to her lagoon and Magic Tree, spotting turtles and having visits from her wild pet magpies. She never lost her sense of adventure, her personality or intelligence.


In her final days, she was able to feel the ocean wash over her body which brought her great joy and peace. A warrior to the end, The Ox is in honour of a strong, brave, inspiring little girl - and it’s our way of leaning into her strength to make a difference. We are proud to have known her and to be running for her.


Get Involved!

In 2023, we raised over $140,000 for Run DIPG, $240,000 in 2024 and in 2025, our aim is to do better.

Through the tireless efforts of RUN DIPG, every day and every dollar helps to improve outcomes for patients, families and communities. Whether you’re a runner, a supporter or a sponsor, we’ve got a bunch of ways for you to get involved.

For sponsorship opportunities, contact Kelly Müller |

For general enquiries, contact

Follow us at @lennoxrunclub and @the_ox_100k for updates.

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